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Staff Development and Education
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Welcome to Focus Care Supported Living and Trust Care Management Ltd Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) Programme.

The Objective Structured Clinical Examination programme has been developed and produced as part of a training programme for Health and Social Care Adaptation Nurses as well as permanent employees of the company.

Health and Social Care employees undertaking all aspect of clinical and social care are trained professionals but with easy access to an OSCE lab for further training by way of enhancing their skills and grow in knowledge.  The training in the OSCE lab includes theory, supervised practical training and a demonstration of understanding as assessed by quality audit.

Work within the OSCE lab help to consolidate and develop learning from previous life and work experiences, it facilitates the development of the skills of questioning and self-reflection required of health and social care professionals.  Furthermore, the structured programme for adaptation nurses and permanent staff ensure that the essential knowledge bases and skills in life and social sciences are adequately covered in a way that enables health and social care professionals to update and incorporate new knowledge.

In conclusion, the OSCE programme for Focus Care Supported Living and Trust Care Management Ltd will help develop practitioners who are able to work collaboratively with colleagues, develop practitioners who are fit for practice, fit for purpose, fit for professional standing and fit for award.

The programme first cohort of adaptation nurses started in January 2020. Learning materials are provided. Structure of the programme is based on:

  • Practical sessions – with manikin

  • Video clips from NHS Health Education England and other reputable sites for example, The British Resuscitation Council

  • Face to Face class room base teaching.

  • Short practical tests at the end of each training day.


For further information please contact the Education department at Trust Care Management or Focus Care Supported Living on:

Tel: 01733 261 233

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